Vision & Mission

PACE School has completed a quarter of a century and is poised for a quantum leap into the future by adapting to the challenges of an ever-evolving educational scenario. Connecting the Mind and Heart flawlessly, it creates a holistic new millennial global generation of citizens who are high achievers, balancing professional commitment with a social conscience.


The school’s endeavour is to inculcate Indian values with a global perspective in the future generations. A pressing concern of the hour is the development of life skills such as creative and critical thinking, soft skills and the ability to collaborate with others in a team. Developing positive attitude, a sense of responsibility and social consciousness as citizens of the country need to form an important part of learning in the formative years.

Our philosophy caters to a wide range of skills, discipline, specific knowledge, personal and interpersonal relationships. A Pacer is motivated at all times to do the best and be an asset to the society and the world at large.

Our Vision

Pace School envisages creating socially responsible, ethical, global leaders with academic excellence and quest for perpetual learning.

Our Mission

Fostering holistic development through creatively designed activities and learning opportunities.

Core Values

To be a dynamic institution in equilibrium, we develop the following values:

Quality Policy

Pursue global standards of excellence in all our endeavours namely teaching-learning, guidance and counselling, research and innovation and to remain accountable in our core values for continuous improvement.

Get In Touch

C- 75, Rukminipuri Colony, Hyderabad,
Telangana - 500062

040-27128517, 040-40113095,
+91 7330978822

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